Category Archives: Trouble-shooting
Starting problems !!!
Engine won’t start…. 1st- check to make sure engine is in neutral. 2nd- check battery for at least 12 volts. 3rd- using a jumper wire, jump from battery cable on engine to starter… this will tell you if starter is good. If starter is good, then you have a bad solenoid or a bad key switch 99% of the time. The other 1%, broken wire. Number 4- turn key switch to on and hold. check solenoid for power to the small wire. check this with a test light. If u have power, then key switch is bad or a broken wire. Number 5- Remove key switch and test for power going in and out, if u have good power in and out you have a broken wire. You wont find a broken wire because it is probably in a main wire harness. Just run a new wire, don’t buy a 200 dollar harness. quick & cheep fix 20 bucks.